Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Thing 12 widgets

Review the widget you selected.
I like both the google widgets. They were very easy to embed and it's handy to have a quote of the day and vocabulary word to check or post on the whiteboard daily.
I included the others so I would remember some of the variety of widgets available. The finger spelling widget is pretty cool. I work at a school that includes several deaf and hard of hearing students who use sign. This could be very useful. The Voki widget is just pure fun. I'm sure my students would enjoy this one.

Are you getting comfortable with embedding code?

yes, it's pretty simple once you get the hang of it.

Do you belong to other online communities?
I also belong to Facebook. It's been amazing how many old friends have found me. It's fun even if I don't do a lot of posts, I can look in now and then at what others post. My daughter light heartedly calls it cyber-stalking...

Are relationships formed online as meaningful as face-to-face relationships?
It's hard for me to see it being any where near as meaningful, but perhaps that is just because I am new at using social networks and the practice is not an integral part of my life. I think for avid users, it could be quite meaningful. It's just another way to communicate with others.

Why do you think MySpace and other social networking sites are so popular with kids today?
Using technology to communicate is something that is totally normal to them, since many of them are growing up with it. I sometimes marvel at the need many have to communicate the minutia of their lives and the apparent need to be in contact 24-7.

The definition of the day and quote of the day are google widgets.

Get a Voki now!

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